Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Emma said that I will never be happy in the future" .
This means that the person she very sad about her problems this her husband. he has been nucleating her and has made her feel bad about what is happening. the statement is true because she gets even more depressed when her husband has been missing for days now when he when fishing. this can be clearly be seen on page 79 on her Facebook post that she has been writing for example when she posted making comfort food when she got really worried about her situation. some of my thesis are that there are many problems like here personal life her life with her friends and the problems with her missing husband

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am wondering and searching
I wonder if the internet is a good tool
I hear the internet is a good thing to use
I see many people do it
I want to find the person who made a fake profile of me being older
I am wondering and searching

I pretend like everything is normal
I feel worried about what is happening
I touch the key bored to find out more
I worry about the profile they made
I cry from all the things they have posted
I am wondering and searching

I understand what is going on
I say that I am ok even though I am not
I dream about all the post she has posted
I try not to worry when I am terrified
I hope I will find the answers
I am wondering and searching